Review: The First Phone Call from Heaven
The First Phone Call from Heaven by Mitch Albom
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
The first book I read from Mitch Albom had been For One More Day, and since then, I have been a fan. The only reason why I took this long to finish it was because as it so happens, I had been a bit occupied. I had also been meaning to get this book when it launched, but unfortunately My purse was tight. So at the given opportunity (a book fair), I jumped in and immediately bought it.
I think that anyone who reads this will no doubt think of a deceased that they'd have liked to receive a call from. It was very interesting, the way he put the two perspectives together (the believers & non-believers) and make them go well with the story without making one sound more 'worthy' than the other. I dunno. There's just a way that Mitch writes to make things work.
I understand Sully's take on the fiasco, yet I sympathized and understood the 'chosen ones' position as well.
As it is with Mitch's books, it either teaches you a lesson or leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy with renewed resolution.
I really liked how this story closed, as it gave room for contemplation. Also, I thought that the last line of the book was a brilliant closure.